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Archives: 2021

Survey: Could You Accurately Guess The Cost of Life Insurance?

Survey: Could You Accurately Guess The Cost of Life Insurance?

Life insurance: It’s not exactly the kind of topic that comes up during family dinner. No one really wants to talk about the death of a loved one. But when it comes to securing your family’s financial security, it’s a conversation that needs to happen. The fact is, there are many things about life insurance that people don’t know. Find out what people had to...

Navigating Uncommon Traffic Situations

Navigating Uncommon Traffic Situations

Driving in traffic today can be hazardous under any circumstances. When a stop light goes out, or other unusual situations develop, the risk can become even more significant. The following are some tips to help you navigate safely in some uncommon traffic situations. General Rules for Navigating Traffic When you get behind the wheel and venture out into traffic, presence of mind plays a vital...

How Many Life Insurance Policies Can I Have?

How Many Life Insurance Policies Can I Have?

There is no set limit to how many life insurance policies you can purchase. You can buy multiple policies from different insurance companies, but insurers may start asking questions if your coverage reaches a point that greatly exceeds your income.  Can It Cause Problems to Buy More Than One Life Insurance Policy? You can have more than one life insurance policy, and there is no...

What Makes Hotel and Motel Hospitality Insurance Different from Other Business Insurance?

What Makes Hotel and Motel Hospitality Insurance Different from Other Business Insurance?

Hospitality insurance is different from other business insurance because the industry faces a wider range of risks. A hotel or motel business owner’s policy (BOP) should cover property and assets, protect against liability, and keep you in compliance with state and federal regulations for employers. Our knowledgeable agent can custom-tailor a hotel and motel hospitality insurance package that meets your business needs. Liability Coverage for...

Driving Tips for Long Trips

Driving Tips for Long Trips

Setting out on the open road can be an exciting adventure, but you need to plan in advance to avoid fatigue and the risk of crashing. The following driving tips can help you maximize the fun and minimize the risks of embarking on a long road trip. Get a Vehicle Checkup  Before a trip, make sure your car is in good operating condition. At a...

Pennsylvania Insurance Quotes